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Anuroctonus pococki

Anuroctonus pococki

  • Latin Name: Anuroctonus pococki
  • Common Name: Swollen Stinger Scorpion
  • Temperature: 24° - 30°
  • Temperament: Hesitant to sting, may pinch
  • Humidity: 65%
  • Adult size: 3 inches
  • Communal: No
  • Terrestrial: Like to dig, soil needs to hold a burrow
  • Substrate: Loamy Soil
  • Origin: California, United States


[Care Notes]

I would reccomend half top soil and half sand as a basis for a substrate, If given enough this species will burrow in the wild. Feed randomly, as they're adults, once every 2 weeks will suffice. Don't keep completely dry, at least one side of the enclosure should be damp and always provide a water bowl.


This scorpion gets it's common name from it's large bulbus stinger, which appears to be more prominent in males. It has been observed that these scorpions can dig up to 60cm underground.


This is the only scorpion in the genus Anuroctonus. This species contains a lot of variations, for this reason it is possible that more sub species could be described in future. Upon studies and investigations made in 2004, a total of 13 different variations of A. pococki were found.

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